Permanent Remedy For Hypertension, Headache, Hotness Of Foot And Head Normalise Blood Circulation

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The heart is rightly considered the circulatory center. This essentially muscular organ has the particular function of ensuring adequate blood flow for the body. When the heart contracts, it acts as a pump that propels blood through all the arteries to bring energy and oxygen to the body. The blood, thus put in circulation, exerts a pressure on the walls of the arteries. This pressure or blood pressure can be measured and is expressed in millimeters of mercury (mmHg) or centimeters of mercury (cmHg).....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

Hypertension is defined as a persistent and significant increase in blood pressure inside the arteries, in a subject at rest. To speak of hypertension, it is necessary that that the blood pressure values are above the normal physiological values. Thus, we speak of hypertension for a systolic blood pressure above 140 (mmHg) or a diastolic blood pressure above 90 mmHg, observed on several occasions in a subject at rest, during three successive consultations over a quarter. Blood pressure is not constant; it varies throughout the day. It is low at night when lying down, it increases when standing, and even more so during physical effort. However, given the prognosis associated with the complications of hypertension, early treatment should be instituted in cases of significant hypertension.

In the vast majority of cases, it is difficult to find a precise cause for high blood pressure. However, certain factors may contribute to its development, including: a diet high in salt and low in fruits and vegetables; excessive alcohol consumption; excessive use of licorice; insufficient physical activity; excess weight; smoking; a stressful life; age; ethnic origin (West Indians and people from South Asia are more likely to develop high blood pressure); family history (your risk is higher if members of your family have had or have high blood pressure).

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Hypertension tea helps in the treatment of essential hypertension
Hypertension tea helps to prevent complications associated with high blood pressure
Hypertension tea promotes the elimination of excess cholesterol by the liver
Hypertension tea cleanses the liver and improves its function
Hypertension tea calms nervous tension and helps to better cope with stressful situations
Hypertension tea improves sleep
Hypertension tea eliminates excess water
Hypertension tea prevents the formation of atheromatous plaques in the vascular bed
Hypertension tea improves blood circulation and therefore energy level
Hypertension tea relieves symptoms that accompany high blood pressure such as headaches, dizziness, ringing in the ears Hypertension tea improves blood circulation
Hypertension tea provides antioxidant protection to the entire body

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