What It Means If A Lady Wears Nose Rings That Most People Do Not Know

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Today, many men and women wear nose rings because they think it’s stylish, while others think it’s outmoded. Both traditional and contemporary cultures have varied interpretations of wearing nose rings.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

In this article, I’ll explain what it signifies when a woman sports a nose ring.Nose jewelry may be perceived as a fashion item, a statement of individuality, or a symbol of riches depending on where it is worn. One could take the wearing of a nose ring as a symbol of money, social standing, and prestige. Your husband ought to wear a bigger nose ring if he’s really affluent.

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Nose rings can also be a sign of fertility in traditional culture. For instance, in India, getting a left nostril piercing lessens the discomfort of the menstrual cycle and boosts sexual pleasure. This makes childbirth more comfortable. In certain cultures, nose rings also signify marriage.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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