5 ways being left-handed affects your health

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But the difference does not end on which hand is dominant. According to research, being left-handed can have implications for health and well-being.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

Here’s how being left-handed affects your health;

1. Brain structure and function

Left-handed people may exhibit differences in brain structure and function compared to their right-handed counterparts. These differences are prominent in the corpus callosum, the bundle of nerve fibres connecting the brain’s hemispheres, which could influence cognitive abilities and processing speed.

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2. How you think

Some studies have also suggested that lefties tend to think differently from people who are right-handed. A 2009 Stanford University study showed right-handed people preferring items on the right while left-handed people would typically go with anything placed on the left-hand side.

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3. Mental health

There’s also a suggested link between being left-handed and mental health issues. While the evidence is not conclusive, researchers have explored associations with conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

There have also been links between non-right-handedness and dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and some mood disorders.

4. Links with cancer

Being left-handed also means a slightly higher risk of cancer. A 2007 study showed that left-handed women had a higher rate of breast cancer compared to right-handers. This was observed in women in both post-menopausal and pre-menopausal ages.

5. Physical health challenges

Living in a predominantly right-handed world can pose physical challenges for left-handed individuals. Tools, gadgets, and even classroom setups are often designed with right-handed users in mind. Adapting to these environments may contribute to increased stress and discomfort, potentially impacting overall well-being.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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