After a disagreement, many women seek certain things that may not be fully comprehended by some men.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE
1. Empathetic Understanding:
Women desire men to attentively listen to their feelings and acknowledge them, even if there’s disagreement. Saying, “I understand how you feel” can have a significant impact.
2. Open Communication:
Women value discussing issues to find solutions or simply to be heard. Men should be open to dialogue, avoiding the tendency to shut down.
3. Affectionate Reassurance:
Expressions of love, such as hugs, kisses, or comforting words, are appreciated by women as they contribute to healing hurt feelings and reaffirming commitment.
4. Time and Space:
At times, women need solitude to calm down and reflect. Men should respect this need for space rather than pushing for immediate conversation.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE