(For Real) 4 types of girlfriends that deserve ‘girlfriend allowance’

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Relationships are not supposed to be transactional but if anyone deserves girlfriend allowance it’s certainly these four types of girlfriends.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

1. The partner who doesn’t ask

There are women who take pride in their independence and may not ask for financial assistance.

If you have a partner like this, try to understand her needs and be supportive.

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The fact that she doesn’t ask doesn’t mean she doesn’t need it, consider helping out when she may need it, even if she doesn’t ask.

2. The hardworking partner

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Whether she’s running her own business or working a full-time job, she’s dedicated and self-reliant.

While she can take care of herself financially, you can still show your support by occasionally treating her to something special or taking care of certain expenses to make her life easier.

3. The supportive partner

If your girlfriend is not only your significant other but also your biggest cheerleader, it’s essential to express your appreciation.

Rather than framing it as an allowance, consider taking her out for a nice dinner, buying her thoughtful gifts, or planning surprise outings to show your gratitude for her support.

4. The genuine partner

A loving relationship is not about money. If your partner is there for you during both good and bad times, express your gratitude through love, respect, and kindness.

Show her that you value her presence and support, and never let her regret being compassionate when you need it most.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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