If you want her to say yes to your proposal, stop doing these 4 things

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After having finally gathered the boldness to confess your feelings, if she decides not to respond to your proposal it can be much more frustrating.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

There are times when she may drop all the hints that she likes you and would want to spend all her hours with you but for some reason, she just won’t say yes to your proposal.

If you want to increase your chances of receiving a positive response when expressing your feelings to a lady, it’s important to consider a few changes in your approach.

Here are some suggestions on some things you should stop doing in your quest to get her to accept you:

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1. Cut down on spending excessive time together: Sometimes, constantly being in her presence might cause her to take your proposal lightly.

To make her realize the significance of your feelings, it’s essential to let her miss you occasionally.

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Don’t be readily available all the time, and give her some space to appreciate your absence.

2. Being unavailable when needed: While you should avoid being overly available, it’s also important not to

become completely distant. Balance is key. When she genuinely needs your help, be there for her.

However, avoid going out of your way to assist her in situations where she can handle things on her own.

This will make her value your support more when it’s truly necessary.

3. Avoid frequent proposals: Repeatedly expressing your feelings and pushing for a response can be counterproductive.

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It might make her feel uncomfortable and pressured.

Instead, express your emotions sincerely and give her time and space to process them. Patience is crucial.

4. Set boundaries with her: Make sure to set healthy boundaries with her, if she hasn’t decided to be your girlfriend yet, don’t cut down on the kind of access she has to you.

If she knows that certain benefits will only come to her as a girlfriend she might give your proposal serious consideration.

It is important to however bear in mind that every person and situation is unique.

It’s important to be authentic, respectful, and considerate of her feelings and choices.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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