5 signs he’s about to play you

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It is often said that those who aren’t serious about you pursue you even harder than those who are.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

While this saying may be true, it makes it hard for one to determine who is worth their time and who is not. However, certain behaviors can provide insight into whether someone is sincere or not.

Here are five signs to watch out for:

Lack of respect for commitment

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When he’s not in for something serious telling him you are already committed to someone else won’t stop him from coming after you. If anything at all it will even ginger him to pursue harder which may trick you into thinking he’s serious about you.

Don’t make the mistake of letting him in, the moment he’s done having fun with you he’ll disappear just like he appeared.

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He makes last-minute plans with you;

There are days when things can happen impromptu but with this guy, it’s always impromptu. He never makes plans with you it’s always, ‘Are you home? I’m coming over or ‘can you meet me here in 30 minutes?’

If he never makes concrete plans or cancels on your pre-arranged dates, he might not be invested in a real connection.

Your surprise visits are a nuisance

Surprising someone you love with a visit is usually a positive gesture, but if upon visiting him you are met with a very cold reception from him. This could be a sign that he’s playing games.

Everyone loves to see the person they are in love with, announced or unannounced. If you show up to his place unannounced and he’s unhappy about it then he’s just playing with you.

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He doesn’t want to put a label on it

When he avoids defining your relationship or introducing you to others, it’s a sign that he’s not ready to commit. A sincere person is clear about their feelings and isn’t afraid to acknowledge them openly.

If you’re left in the dark about where you stand, he may be playing with your emotions.

He only texts when he’s horny

Do you receive texts from him only at night, when it’s raining, or when he’s home alone? If yes then he’s just playing with you.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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