A man’s situation has led to a conversation on X after his story was shared on the platform. An X user explained that her friend is in a dilemma over staying in his current job that pays him N700k to do just routine admin work that doesn’t task his brain or accepting a job offer that pays him N200k less but comes with learning opportunity.....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE
She wrote: “My friend is in a dilemma.
“His current job pays about 700k however he basically does nothing. His brain isn’t tasked. He just does routinal admin work.”He has an offer with a lower pay. 500k. However with crazy learning opportunity. Intellectual stimulation. “His concern is for his employability skill in the future if he keeps doing this routinal work for a 200k pay difference and I completely understand that. “But 200k difference every month is actually a lot. 2.4M per year
“Which would you take?”