7 signs that prove you’ve finally found your true love

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Finding your true love goes beyond the anniversaries, gifts and ‘I love yous’, it’s also about the silly, annoying and even the imperfect moments that make your connection special.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

It’s those moments when everything seems to fall into place, and you can’t help but smile at the thought of spending your life with that special someone.

When you’ve met the one who is your safe space, your best friend, your partner-in-crime, a shoulder to cry on, someone you know you could count on, any day, anytime to come through for you, just know you’ve hit the love jackpot.

The dating market is fully saturated so if out of all the shenanigans going on, you can find someone that you’re truly happy with, and who loves you just as much, you’ve won in that department.

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We’ll expatiate on some signs that prove you’ve actually found your true love. Check how many of these resonate with your own experiences:

You’re completely yourself around them

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There’s no need to put on a façade or worry about impressing them, you can just be yourself. Your comfort level is so high that you’re not afraid to let your guard down and share your deep thoughts, feelings, and even your silliest moments without hesitation. You can fart when you’re around them and not feel embarrassed, you wake up with bad breath in the morning and don’t feel the need to “wash up” before they see you. You’re completely yourself around them. That’s a sure sign that the love you share is true.

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You prioritise “We” Over “Me”

One sign of true love is when the word “we” takes over “me.” It’s no longer just about your individual desires or plans, but about creating a shared path forward. Decisions are made with you both in mind, and you naturally care about each other’s feelings, dreams, and future plans. Even if you’re not married yet, your partner includes you in their plans, and it all fits perfectly. You’ve talked about getting married and having a family, and you’re sure they see you in their future for the long run

You have a comfortable silence

Conversations are great, but there’s something even better about enjoying each other’s company in silence. When you’re comfortable sitting together without needing to keep a conversation going, it’s proof of real love. No one needs to say anything as just being in each other’s company is enough.

You bring the best out of each other

True love has a way of bringing out the best versions of ourselves. One sure sign you’ve found your soulmate is that you both inspire one another in positive ways. Your partner always supports and encourages you to pursue your passions and you also support them to grow, evolve, and become the best version of themselves.

You trust them completely

Trust is what holds a real relationship together. It’s even more important than the love you feel. You can love someone without completely trusting them, but when you trust them with your heart, feelings, emotions, future plans and past hurt, that speaks volumes.

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Trust is like the base of a relationship. If you both believe in each other and are confident that you can count on each other no matter what, then your love is truly real.

Your future plans align

When you’ve found true love, picturing a shared future comes naturally. You talk about your dreams and plans, and it all falls into place as though it’s God’s divine plan.

Your love has grown over time

True love is not fleeting. Instead, it deepens and grows over time. If you still feel more and more in love with your partner, even when you know each other’s flaws and have been together a while, that’s a good sign this love is the real deal.

Love is a complex emotion, and no one has been able to fully understand it. However, there are some signs that assure you that your partner is there for you in the long run. Perfection is not realistic. Even the best ones still have their toughest battles, and that’s where real love is tested. In the battles of life that are sure to come, it’s how you both work hand in hand as a team, against the problems of the world, not against yourselves, that counts.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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