5 practical life skills every parent must teach their child

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You must prepare the child for the path, not the path for the child.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

As parents, one of the most important responsibilities is to equip your children with the necessary life skills to thrive in this ever-changing world.

While the academic aspects are essential, there are some skills that can contribute to their success, happiness, and protection. These valuable lessons will stay with them throughout their lifetime.

That being said, here are five important life skills that every parent should prioritise teaching their children:

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Cooking and meal preparation

Just so you know, cooking is a survival skill, and it is important to involve your child in the kitchen. Now this skill must not be limited to a specific gender, so make sure both male and female children evenly participate.

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Encourage your children to join you in the kitchen and assign them kitchen duties. These skills will help them take charge of their food choices and become self-sufficient in the kitchen as adults.

Household chores

Many adults these days don’t know how to tidy up after themselves or show concern for keeping their living space clean. They leave their homes dirty and don’t seem bothered by it. The reason behind this is often a lack of proper training when it comes to household cleanliness.

Sadly, this issue has also been influenced by how tasks are divided based on gender. Parents, especially Nigerian moms, tend to teach their daughters to handle all the housework and assign them kitchen duties, while their sons are allowed to play and roam around freely.

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It’s crucial to equip your child with basic skills for maintaining a clean and organised home, regardless of their gender. Boys and girls alike should be capable of cooking, doing laundry, cleaning, and other household chores.

By teaching your child these practical skills, you are helping them develop a sense of responsibility from an early age.

Driving and road safety

Driving is not only convenient but also for safety. In Nigeria. many parents have the notion that driving is exclusively assigned to one gender. Just as the kitchen is not solely for women, both genders should be taught this life skill for their well-being as adults.

When the time is right, parents should teach their children, regardless of gender, the rules of the road, safe driving practices, and how to handle various traffic situations. Make sure they understand the importance of defensive driving and responsible behaviour behind the wheel.

The native tongue

Teaching your child to speak their native language from a very young age not only gives them a strong sense of identity but also helps them stand out.

While it can be more challenging for children whose parents come from different tribal backgrounds to learn their native tongue, it should not be seen as an excuse. Instead, it becomes an added advantage for them to be able to speak both of their parents’ languages

I know firsthand that it is more challenging for children whose parents come from different tribal backgrounds to learn their native tongue, as I am one of them. This personal experience has made me realise the importance of grounding children in their heritage from an early age as It helps create a sense of identity and familiarity with their roots that carries into adulthood.

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Basic financial management

Saving is another important lesson. Show your child how setting aside money for later can bring them rewards and security. Teach them that saving their money saves them in future.

Let them understand the basics of budgeting, delayed gratification, saving, and making responsible financial choices. You could even start by buying a “kolo” (wooden piggy bank) for them to save their money.

Teach your child financial responsibility [WorkingMother]

This will allow them to develop good financial habits that will benefit them in future.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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