4 Proven Signs That You May Have Developed a Heart Disease

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Heart Disease has over the years grown to become one of the leading causes of death around the world. It has become quite common for a lot of people to suffer from heart conditions especially at an older age.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

Heart Diseases can be very serious health conditions when taken for granted but if it is noticed early and worked on, there are high chances that it’s victims might survive the ordeal.

Well, one of the ways of surviving this condition is by knowing some of the proven signs that you may have developed the condition.

According to Mayoclinic, here are some of the signs you will notice.

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1. Chest pain, chest tightness, chest pressure and discomfort

The heart is located around the chest region, so it is natural for its pains to start to show around these areas of the body.

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2. Shortness of breath

Naturally, the heart plays an important role in the movement of blood and oxygen around the body. This is why an issue that affects the heart tends to show in the way the affected person breathes.

Shortness of breath has been proven to be one of the noticeable signs of a heart condition.

3. Pain, numbness, weakness in the legs and arms

When the heart is affected the movement of blood around several parts of the body is highly affected. This is why most victims of a heart disease often suffer pain, numbness and weakness around the legs and arms.

READ:  4 Diseases That Are Incurable But Can Be Managed

4. Pain in the neck, jaw, throat and upper abdomen

The heart has a very big role to play on almost every part of the body, this is why most of its victims might experience pain in the neck and jaw….

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