IS DANGEROUS: Sudden Death May Occur If You Mix These 5 Fruits

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If you’re trying to eat better, improve your health, and lose weight, you can’t go wrong by eating more fruit. Fruit is incredibly good for you – it’s full of fiber and essential vitamins and minerals, it’s low in calories, and its high water content is hydrating.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

Everybody knows that consuming lots of fruits and vegetables together is very healthy. Fruits and vegetables are definitely beneficial for children, but it is always best to keep a tab on the kind of fruits they eat, especially when you are giving them a combination.

Fruit is also unprocessed and doesn’t contain significant amounts of fat, salt, or chemical substances that you don’t want in your body.

All in all, fruit is one of nature’s perfect foods. Eating different types of fruits and vegetables together is not only unhealthy, it may put you and your child in great danger. Here are the foods you must never mix:

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1. Orange and Carrot cause heartburn and kidney damage.

2. Pineapple and Milk Debunking the pineapple and milk debate | Dhaka Tribune

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causes a series of problems to your body such as stomach gas, nausea, infections, headache, and stomach pain.

3. Papaya and Lemon can cause anemia and hemoglobin imbalance, and is highly dangerous for children.

4. Guava and Banana increase your risk of acidosis, nausea, gas buildup and persistent headaches.

5. Orange and Milk Orange custard causing numerous health issues. The acid in orange will destroy the enzymes that are responsible for digesting the starch present in the cereal. If you choose to add orange in your milk cereal you are going to increase the risk of indigestion.

READ:  4 Foods that may help you sleep well at night if embraced and eaten regularly before bedtime

6. Banana and Lemon

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