Carica papaya — also simply known as papaya or pawpaw — is a type of tropical, fruit-bearing tree native to Mexico and northern regions of South America. Today, papaya is one of the most widely cultivated crops in the world. Its fruit, seeds, and leaves are frequently utilized in a variety of culinary and folk medicine practices.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE
Papaya leaf contains unique plant compounds that have demonstrated broad pharmacological potential in test-tube and animal studies.
According to WebMd, here are the health benefits of papaya leaf juice you might not know.
Beneficial for liver
Improve your liver functioning with papaya leaf extract. The juices’ healing properties have the potential to cure one from chronic liver diseases- jaundice, liver cirrhosis; cancer. It naturally detoxifies the liver, and cleanses the toxins from the liver.
Helps in diabetes
According to Mayoclinic, papaya leaves are beneficial for diabetic patients to reduce the sweet craving and the risk of getting diabetes. According to some research, the consumption of papaya leaf extract helps to maintain blood sugar levels and lowers cholesterol levels due to the presence of dietary fibres in it.
Cures malaria
The leaf’s juice has acetogonin compound that works effectively to treat malaria. Its plasmodiastatic properties indirectly manage malaria fever.
Aids digestion
Fresh papaya leaves are rich in papain, chymopapain, and essential fibre that when consumed in form of juice improve digestive system and control issues like bloating, heartburn, constipation and bowel movement.
Controls dengue fever
According to Cleveland clinic, fresh papaya leaf juice contains essential compounds like papain and carocain that boost the platelet count and reduce infection during dengue fever. It is suggested to take a dose of 25ml of papaya leaf juice in water twice a day for effective results.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE