Why you should drink hot water with lemon and turmeric in the morning

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The human body is always exposed to toxins through pollution, processed foods, pesticides and through industry. Because of that, it is important to clean the system of these unwanted materials. Today, I’m going to present to you a natural remedy, which will cleanse your body, and it will also enhance your overall health.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

You have probably heard about the wonderful health benefits of consuming lukewarm lemon water in the mornings. This water could be very useful to your fitness as it contains tons of nutrients. It is packed with calcium, enzymes, iron, magnesium, vitamins B, C, antioxidants, and fibers. What is more, it is very useful for the immune system and digestive system.

It is a completely powerful drink, which can be made even more effective just by including turmeric into it. Turmeric will enhance the properties of lukewarm water, and it will assist in the cleansing process of your body. It is considered to have the ability to treat and prevent more than 160 health problems.


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One cup of lukewarm water

Quarter teaspoon of turmeric

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Lemon juice from half a lemon

1/8 teaspoon of honey

Cinnamon (optional)

How to prepare it:

First, heat the water and then add the honey, turmeric and the lemon juice into it. Mix the ingredients and do not stop mixing it, even when you consume it, due to the fact the turmeric will fall down to the bottom of the cup.

The benefits from lemon water and turmeric:

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* Great detox combination

When the turmeric and lemon are combined, they’ll create an amazing detox mixture. Lemons are full of vitamin C and antioxidants, while the turmeric contains many effective compounds that can treat different health problems and combat cancer.

* Aids in weight loss

Turmeric can assist your body process sugars, which means that it lowers the levels of blood sugar. It can also encourage weight loss as it will clean your body from toxins.

* Maintains the skin in good health

Because this drink contains vitamin C, it will prevent premature aging of the skin, and it will also rejuvenate it. The lemons will balance the pH value, and they’ll lessen wrinkles.

* Takes care of the urinary tract

Lemons are packed with potassium, and they’re a natural diuretic. This means that they promote frequent urination, which keeps your urinary tract healthy.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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