Medical Conditions That Can Make A Person Slump And Die.

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One of the worst things that may happen is to see someone one day and then learn the next that they have died. When a person looks to be in good health and shows no indicators of approaching illness, his or her death can come as a complete surprise.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

In recent decades, these types of tragedies have become all too regular in Nigeria, to the point that it is no longer surprising to read that an apparently healthy individual has collapsed and that all attempts to revive them have failed.

What causes unexpected deaths in otherwise healthy persons remains a mystery. Multiple factors are usually at work in a deadly outcome, and many of these are “silent killer” diseases that show no symptoms until it is too late. Nonetheless, many doctors feel that the heart and brain are frequently involved in unexpected deaths. This essay will investigate two (2) medical issues that cause certain persons to become lethargic and confused, perplexing their loved ones and friends.

Both of these issues will be addressed in the sections that follow:

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1. Sudden cardiac death

A heartbeat is generated when the heart’s muscle cells all contract at the same time, causing a sort of electrical spark that helps the heart to circulate blood throughout the body, according to healthline. As a result, blood is pushed through the heart’s valves and delivered to the rest of the body. However, if the electrical system of the heart is inflamed, this mechanism may fail and the heart will not be able to beat normally. If this happened, the heart would stop beating. This would eventually lead to death since the heart muscle would be unable to pump blood throughout the body, notably to the brain.

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The majority of cardiac arrests are caused by heart issues such as blood clots, heart muscle inflammation, cardiomyopathy, aortic valve constriction, and so on. It is critical to keep track of how much of specific foods you consume since they can have a detrimental impact on your heart because diet plays a significant role in the majority of illnesses that can lead to sudden cardiac arrest.

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This type of food includes red meat, bacon, processed meats, soda, baked goods, white rice, pasta, bread, pizza, and alcoholic beverages.

Second Stroke

Another probable reason of early death is a stroke. This disorder occurs when there is a problem with the blood supply to the brain, resulting in the loss of brain cells. Cell loss in the brain is especially harmful because it can result in abrupt death if it occurs in the part of the brain that regulates basic activities such as breathing and heart rate. A coma may indicate that the stroke was so severe that the sufferer did not recover and died soon after being treated.

Strokes can be caused by a variety of factors, the most prevalent of which are hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, and excess body fat. Some foods have been linked to an increased risk of stroke, so limiting your intake of these is suggested.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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