For many of us, potato can only be eaten as food. However, according to Natural cures, potato can serve functions outside the kitchen and below are other surprising uses of potatoes.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE
The starch within the potatoes can reduce puffiness. This is called an anti-inflammatory because it reduces swelling.
Peel one large potato and cut it into slices.
Chill the slices in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
Lie down and place the cold potato on your eyes.
Wait 10 minutes and reapply again.
You can repeat until puffiness goes away.
Fade dark spots
The nutrients and vitamins found within potato helps keep your skin pores clear of any dirt, dust, debris and germs. The potato starch helps to remove age and dark spots on your face.
Slice a raw potato.
Rub it over your face and let the juice stay for 10 minutes.
Rinse your face gently.
Pat with a dry towel.
Do this once daily to get rid of any dark spot on your face.
Absorb excess salt from food
Remove the peel and cut some potatoes into thick pieces
Add the raw potatoes to the soup or stew
Allow the pot to simmer for about 10 minutes
Remove the potatoes and you’ll realize that your pot of soup now has the perfect amount of salt.
Remove food stains from hands
Rub your hands with the open side of a cut potato for some minutes
Wait another 10 minutes to allow the potato juice to do its work
Then rinse your hands with water.
As compress
You can use potatoes to make a hot or cold compress.
To make a hot compress- boil potato, wrap it up in a clean cloth and use it as a hot compress on those aching muscles or painful areas.
To make a cold compress- refrigerate a boiled potato for atleast one hour, wrap it up in a clean cloth and use as needed.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE