If you want to become more peaceful as you get older, say goodbye to these 5 habits

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Who wouldn’t want to age like a fine wine, growing more peaceful and serene as the years roll by? It sounds blissful, doesn’t it? But, let’s face it.>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

The reality often looks different. As we get older, life can sometimes feel more chaotic rather than peaceful.

Why is that?

Well, you might not even realize it, but certain habits could be standing in the way of your tranquility.

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Here’s what I suggest. If you’re striving to become more peaceful as you get older, it’s time to bid farewell to a few entrenched habits.

Let’s dive into seven habits that might be stealing your peace and how you can work towards letting them go. Buckle up, because a serene future awaits you!

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Let’s start with a big one. Overthinking.

This habit is a notorious peace-stealer. It’s when your mind grabs hold of a thought and just won’t let it go. Sound familiar?

You find yourself replaying scenarios in your head, questioning decisions, second-guessing yourself, and imagining worst-case outcomes.

Here’s the thing about overthinking—it rarely leads to positive action. Instead, it keeps you stuck in a loop of stress and worry.

So, how can you overcome this?

The first step is awareness. Recognizing when you’re overthinking is critical. Once you’re aware, you can actively work on shifting your focus to something more constructive.

Remember, aging peacefully isn’t about having no worries or fears at all. Instead, it’s about not letting them control your life.

Let me share a bit of my story with you.

For years, I was stuck in the cycle of neglecting my own self-care. I was always the ‘busy’ one. Work, family, social commitments—you name it, I was juggling it all.

But here’s what I learned.

Neglecting self-care doesn’t make you a hero. Instead, it drains you, leaving you feeling frazzled and far from peaceful.

I realized that in order to feel more serene, I had to start taking care of myself. This meant setting boundaries, saying no when necessary, and carving out time for activities that rejuvenated me.

Whether it’s a relaxing bath, a quiet walk in nature, or simply reading a good book—prioritize your self-care. And remember, it taking care of oneself is not limited to the self…

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Here’s a tough one.


Those heavy, stubborn weights we carry around. They’re like anchors, aren’t they? Keeping us tied to past hurts and slights, preventing us from moving forward.

I’ve been there. Holding onto a grudge like it was a lifeline. But you know what? It wasn’t a lifeline, it was a chain.

The truth about grudges is that they don’t hurt the person who wronged us. They hurt us.

Holding onto resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to get sick. The only person it’s really harming is you.

So, here’s my advice.

Let it go.

Not for them. But for you. For your peace of mind.

Forgiveness doesn’t mean excusing their behavior or forgetting what happened. It means choosing to release that burden for your own well-being.

It’s tough, I know. But it’s also liberating. And it’s one of the most powerful steps you can take towards becoming more peaceful as you age.

Have you ever found yourself scrolling through social media, looking at someone else’s life and thinking, “Why isn’t my life like that?”

I think we’ve all been there.

The comparison game.

It’s easy to fall into, especially in this digital age where everyone’s best moments are on display. But here’s the hard truth—comparing yourself to others is a surefire way to rob yourself of peace.


Because comparison shifts your focus from your own journey and achievements to someone else’s. And that’s a race you’ll never win.

So, the next time you find yourself slipping into the comparison trap, remember this—your journey is unique. It’s not meant to look like anyone else’s.

Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. Find joy in your growth and progress. Because that’s where true peace lies—in appreciating your own journey, not in comparing it to someone else’s.

Imagine you’re walking on a beautiful beach. The sun is setting, painting the sky with hues of pink and orange. But you’re so caught up in thinking about your to-do list for the next day that you barely notice the beauty around you.

Does that sound familiar?

We often get so consumed by our past or future that we forget to live in the present. And here’s something interesting—research suggests that we are happiest when we are fully engaged in the present moment.

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Living in the now allows us to fully experience and appreciate what’s happening around us. It helps us cultivate gratitude, reduces stress, and enhances our overall well-being.

So, try to practice mindfulness. Pay attention to your surroundings, your feelings, and your thoughts. Appreciate the now.

Because the present moment is all we truly have. And embracing it is a surefire way to invite more peace into your life as you age.

Let’s talk about that little voice in your head. The one that tells you you’re not good enough or that you should’ve done better. The one that’s always ready to criticize and never to appreciate.

We all have that voice, don’t we?

But here’s the thing. That voice doesn’t define you. It doesn’t decide your worth.

You are human, and it’s okay to make mistakes. It’s okay to not have everything figured out. It’s okay to be a work in progress—that’s what we all are.

Being kind to yourself isn’t about ignoring your flaws or failures. It’s about acknowledging them, learning from them, and then giving yourself the grace to move forward.

So, next time that little voice starts its chatter, remind it—and yourself—that you are doing your best. And your best is enough.

Be your own cheerleader, not your own critic. Because treating yourself with kindness is a key ingredient in the recipe for a peaceful life.

Life is a constant ebb and flow. Seasons change, people come and go, we grow older. Change, as they say, is the only constant in life.

Yet, we often resist it. We cling to our comfort zones, fearing the unknown. But this resistance only breeds stress and anxiety.

Embracing change, on the other hand, opens up new possibilities. It allows us to learn, grow, and evolve.

So, remember this: change is not something to be feared. It’s something to be embraced.

The more open you are to life’s changes, the more peaceful your journey will be as you age. Because peace comes not from a life that’s static and unchanging, but from a heart that’s open to every twist and turn along the way.

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If you’ve recognized some of these habits in your own life, know that you’re not alone.

The journey to a more peaceful existence is just that—a journey. It’s not about perfection, but progress.

Remember, the habits we’ve discussed aren’t life sentences; they’re merely patterns of behavior. And patterns can be changed.

The first step is awareness—spotting when these habits creep up in your life. The next step? Actively choosing a different path.

Ask yourself, “Is holding onto this grudge bringing me peace?” or “Does comparing myself to others serve my well-being?”

These questions can help guide you towards choices that foster peace and tranquility.

Change might not happen overnight, and that’s okay. Be patient and gentle with yourself. Small steps can lead to substantial shifts over time.

And the most important thing?

Remember that peace isn’t a destination—it’s a journey. It’s woven into the everyday choices we make. The more we choose actions aligned with peace, the more peaceful our lives become.

As you navigate your way forward, keep this thought in mind: You have the power to cultivate a life of tranquility and peace. It starts with saying goodbye to old habits and embracing a new way of being. Your journey towards a more peaceful existence starts now.

In this age of information overload and pressure to meet others’ expectations, many struggle to connect with their core purpose and values. It’s easy to lose your inner compass.

Jeanette Brown created this free values discovery PDF to help clarify your deepest motivations and beliefs. As an experienced life coach and self-improvement teacher, Jeanette guides people through major transitions by realigning them with their principles.

Her uniquely insightful values exercises will illuminate what inspires you, what you stand for, and how you aim to operate. This serves as a refreshing filter to tune out societal noise so you can make choices rooted in what matters most to you.

With your values clearly anchored, you’ll gain direction, motivation and the compass to navigate decisions from your best self – rather than fleeting emotion or outside influences.

Stop drifting without purpose. Rediscover what makes you come alive with Jeanette Brown’s values clarity guide.>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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