JUST IN: Impregnated by her sister’s husband, she attributes the pregnancy to an Indomitable Lion of Cameroon

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Dorine N. found out last Saturday that the father of her younger sister’s child was not a player from the Indomitable Lions, as the latter had claimed, but her own husband..>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

A moment of celebration, the ‘voir bébé’, as we call it here, can under certain circumstances lead to acts of violence. This was the observation last Saturday by the officers at the Bonendalè gendarmerie post in Bonabéri (Douala IV district). The gendarmes were called due to a tense situation. The scene? A woman discovering that her husband has fathered a child out of wedlock. A child she has, so to speak, seen grow up, as the mother is none other than her younger sister, whom she had housed for three years under her marital roof in Bonamatoumbe (also in Douala IV).

According to information obtained by CT, Dorine N., 39 years old, an employee of a brewing company, and Jean-Luc S., 54 years old, a heavy machinery operator, have been married for twelve years without having children to date. In 2021, the couple welcomed Christiane, then 25 years old, the wife’s younger sister, who came to live with them to continue her studies. She is now a doctoral candidate, but will earn the ‘diploma’ of motherhood before her PhD.

When Christiane becomes pregnant, her sister asks the inevitable question. The answer: the father is a professional footballer, also an international A player. She does not give a name, but Dorine receives a promise: this father will be introduced to her when he comes to the country for the ‘voir bébé’, which Christiane schedules for the end of July. The ‘pro’ will be there for his vacation, she says. Except that she is lying.

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She also lies about having received a thousand euros from the footballer for the baby’s layette and other needs. On May 22, Christiane leaves her sister’s home for a modern apartment in Bonendalè, rented and furnished by the child’s father. On May 29, she gives birth to a boy. The new mother tells her sister to take her time before coming to see her nephew: she knows her schedule is busy, and the ‘pro’s’ sister will take care of her. The sister in question is Jean-Luc S.’s sister, assisted in this task by a niece. On the day Dorine comes to visit, Christiane arranges to be alone with the baby.

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Saturday, the child turned one month old, and it was the day scheduled for his presentation to parents and friends… Jean-Luc invited several people to share in his joy of finally being a father. There was plenty to eat and drink. The new father, caught up in his happiness, forgets that one day, a friend, an executive at a cement company, asked him for a driver, and he suggested Laurent, a nephew of Dorine…

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The friend in question is there. Laurent too, but outside, in the vehicle he drives. Another driver, sent by his boss to fetch a pallet of water, praises the quality of the buffet inside to Laurent. Eventually, he decides to enter. He is more interested in the table than the hosts. However, in the midst of it all, it’s time for a pastor to bless the baby and his parents. Jean-Luc and Christiane are asked to stand up and hold the baby. Laurent recognizes them and sends his aunt a message whose content is easy to guess.

Dorine arrives on a motorcycle. She confronts her younger sister first: ‘Christiane! So Jean-Luc is the professional footballer?!’ The reaction comes from her husband: ‘Who invited you here?’ In response, Dorine kicks a table, and several beer bottles hit the floor. Christine then runs away with the baby into the bedroom, which she locks. The guests start to calm Dorine down. In the meantime, the gendarmes are called.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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