Dear Believers: How Trusting God’s Timing Can Bring Unshakeable Peace

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God’s certain promises.

Our passage of Scripture today finalizes the progress from a critical advance warning to consolation and encouragement.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

Earlier Scripture gave areas of warning for any believers that might be guilty of “falling away or leaving the principles” because of a frivolous, insincere, juvenile faith( Hebrews 5:11- 6:12).The previous verses also empowered the readers that their acts of kindness demonstrated genuineness. Here, the writer frames the affirmation that permits Christians to mature in their faith regardless of oppression and persecution. These verses, using Abraham as an illustration, explain that Christians have the ultimate source of assured hope: Jesus Christ’s perfect high priesthood.

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When an individual makes an oath or a promise, they are making it on something that is more prominent than themselves. In this first verse of our Scripture reading, God made a promise to Abraham on Himself because there is nothing greater than God.

Abraham had to wait for that promise to come to fruition. From the time when God promised Abraham a son( Genesis 12:4-7, 13:14-16, 15:4-5, 17:16),it was twenty-five years before Isaac was born( Genesis 21:3-5, 22:16-17).Because our circumstances can appear so extreme, sometimes those trials and temptations seem to go on and on. Waiting for God’s timing can be arduous for us, but we can find strength from the Bible and the testimony of mature Christians to give us reassurance as we wait for God.

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Waiting patiently on God is important. While we are waiting and trusting in God, we can gain new assurance. While we are waiting, we can also walk with Him. During that time of walking with God, we learn to trust in Him, growing in His grace and knowledge as we study His Word. This will bring us to that blessed place of assurance.

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When we read verse sixteen, we learn that when they swear an oath, that oath is to be the end of any dispute.( Exodus 22:11)Unfortunately, mankind does not always adhere to the oaths and vows that they make. But we see that when God does this, it is not out of necessity, because He does not need to make an oath. But He does so to show us how important the matter is.

God is unconditionally trustworthy and unalterable, and His promises cannot be changed. In His own name, God promised a son to Abraham.( Romans 8:17, 11:29; Hebrews 11:9)The oath that God made to Abraham was equivalent to His name, which was as good as His sacred nature( Galatians 3:15-16).The word used here is immutability, which is unchangeableness. This means that God, nor His Word, cannot change.

God guaranteed Abraham that he would have descendants as incalculable as the stars of heaven( Genesis 15:4-5). Afterward, He affirmed His commitment with an oath ( Genesis 22:16-18). God’s nature andpromise are His unalterable realities(“immutable things”).

Since God is the embodiment of all truth, He cannot lie( Titus 1:2; Numbers 23:19; 1 Samuel 15:29; Titus 1:2).

We can have confidence in His promises because He is truth( Colossians 1:5).We do not have to contemplate whether He will change His mind or plans. God offers an unconditional promise of acceptance to the genuine seeker who comes to Him in faith. God will grant our requests for salvation from our sins if we do so openly, honestly, and with sincerity. We ought to have faith and courage in this assurance( Hebrews 3:6, 7:19, 12:1).

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The covenant that God made with Abraham entails salvation ( Galatians 3:15-25), and it is secure because it contains two basic principles that cannot change. The promise that God has made is anchored in His Word, which is unchanging. God cannot lie, and His Word will not falter ( Matthew 5:18; John 10:35, 17:17). God’s Word was, and is, authenticated and endorsed by an oath, which there is not anything greater than He that He can swear by. His Word is supported and anchored by His character.

Are there any“immutable things”for mankind today? We can see that we have the promise made to Abraham to encourage us. We also have the gift of His Son, Jesus. Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension give us our“immutable things.”
“For refuge to lay hold upon.”

God provided the children of Israel with cities of refuge( Numbers 35; Deuteronomy 19; Joshua 20-21).We can see that those cities were a typification of Christ providing a refuge for the sinner who faces death. Every Christian throughout history has been found guilty of sin and faced the death penalty. But Christ, in His infinite grace, took that penalty upon Himself and paid the price for our freedom from sin. We have been delivered from sin and need not answer for it again. Christ our Savior is our High Priest, to whom we owe our very lives and service.
“As an anchor of the soul.”

The curtain(“veil”)mentioned in this passage of Scripture covered the entrance to the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies, the Temple’s two innermost chambers. This drapery kept anybody from entering, looking into, or in any event, getting a transitory look at the inside of the Holy of Holies( Leviticus 16:2; Hebrews 9:1-8).Only once a year could the high priest enter the Holy of Holies to stand before God and make amends for the nation’s sins( Leviticus 16:15-16).

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The word “anchor” derives from the Greek words “ankyra” – anchor, “ankale” – from, “ankos” – bend, arm (curved), and “ankistron” – hook. So, if we could put an image to that, Christ has put His arm around us, as our High Priest, to enter within the veil, of the Holy of Holies, which is into the presence of God. That is telling us that Christ is our hope!
“ Sure and steadfast…forerunner.”

There is security in Christ. That security is depicted as a protected retreat for each Christian, similar to the six cities of shelter in the Hebrew Scriptures that permitted sanctuary ( Numbers 35:6-32).Like an unwavering anchor, our hope is steadfast and certain. Our anchor is anchored in the highest heaven, not the deepest sea.

Our forerunner (precursor, usher, guard) is situated in heaven ( John 14:1-3; Hebrews 4:14). Jesus is unlike the priests of the Old Testament. In the sanctuary (the Temple), the priests could mediate for God’s Chosen; however, they could not lead them. Jesus has opened the way for us, and in the end, we will unquestionably enter with Him.

Since His ascension, Christ has always been in God’s presence, not just once a year. He is the High Priest. And because our High Priest has already entered God’s presence for us, He can continually provide intercession for us.( Genesis 14:17-19; Psalm 110:4; Hebrews 3:1)

Where do you stand today with your hope in Christ? Have you given all to Him? Have you placed your faith and trust in God’s Word?>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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