Reason Why You Should Urinate After Making Love

It isn’t compulsory, but it is beneficial to pee after lovemaking. People may have heard that peeing after a sexual encounter is advantageous, particularly for women. This is because peeing removes bacteria from the body, which may help avoid the development of a urinary tract infection. According to, this article investigates if peeing after sexual activities can help reduce the chance of a urinary tract infection in women and whether the same could be said for men….CONTINUE READING

Peeing after sex: Benefits, UTI prevention, and more

Photo Credit: Medical News Today.

Benefit Of Peeing After Intimacy (Reason).

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Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are strongly linked to sexual activity. The higher a person’s level of intimacy, the more likely they are to develop a UTI. Because UTIs are caused by sexual activity and are referred to as “honeymoon cystitis.” Inflammation of the bladder is known as cystitis.

Bacteria can move from the genitals to the urethra during lovemaking. The urethra is a tube that connects the bladder to the urethral orifice, which is where urine is discharged. Bacteria can then travel from the urethra to the bladder, resulting in a urinary tract infection (UTI). After mating, peeing helps to cleanse bacteria out of the urethra, preventing UTIs.

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Is it effective in preventing STIs?

Sexually transmitted infections are not prevented by peeing after mating (STIs). STIs are contracted by germs being absorbed through the mucosal membranes of the body during sexual contact. Peeing after a sexual encounter will not keep these bacteria out of the body. STIs can be reduced by using a condom or other barrier contraception during intimacy.

Other ways to prevent UTIs.

The following suggestions may also assist your lower the risk of a UTI:

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1. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water each day to guarantee that bacteria are flushed out of the urethra regularly.

2. Rather than keeping urine in, peeing whenever the desire occurs.

3. After using the restroom, always wipe from front to back.

4. Every day, wash your genitals with warm water.

5. Stay away from scented feminine hygiene products.

6. Avoiding the use of douching.

7. Avoid wearing damp bathing or workout clothes around the genitals, which can trap moisture and contain bacteria….CONTINUE READING