2024 Ranking: Top 20 African countries with the most powerful militaries

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Africa’s military has a rich history spanning millennials. Like most other continents, the military is pivotal in shaping its political, economic, and social trajectories.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

Many African nations like Nigeria, South Africa, Mali, Cameroon, and Kenya, among others, inherited military structures from their former colonial powers, influencing equipment, training and doctrine.

The continent also heavily depends on Western countries for the supply of their military equipment and training.

A 2024 report by the Global Firepower (GFP) ranked African countries’ militaries based on current available firepower.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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Below is a full list of the top 20 African nations with the most powerful militaries in 2024:

African Rank Country Global Ranking Power Index
1. Egypt 15 0.2283
2. Algeria 26 0.3589
3. South Africa 33 0.4632
4. Nigeria 39 0.5619
5. Ethiopia 49 0.7938
6. Angola 55 0.8478
7. Morocco 61 1.0081
8. Democratic Republic of the Congo 73 1.2491
9. Tunisia 74 1.2881
10. Sudan 76 1.4119
11. Libya 79 1.4449
12. Kenya 89 1.7629
13. Mozambique 92 1.8377
14. Chad 93 1.8607
15. Zambia 97 1.9851
16. Ivory Coast 98 1.9869
17. Zimbabwe 101 2.0352
18. Tanzania 103 2.0587
19. Cameroon 104 2.0599
20. Mali 106 2.1115

Credit: Global Firepower
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