10 Signs a Marriage Cannot Be Saved No Matter What You Sacrifice

A marriage doesn’t fall apart in a day; it starts a lot earlier, and it’s best to recognize it as soon as you can. There are so many signs a marriage cannot be saved, and here are some that people shouldn’t ignore.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>

1. There is no physical contact

One of the surest signs to know when the marriage is over is a near or complete lack of physical intimacy. Almost all of us will agree that physical intimacy plays a vital role in any relationship.

It is one of the top ways to express love, empathy, bonding, and understanding.

Physical contact need not always be about sex. It is the gesture of reaching out to your spouse and assuring them of your presence in difficult times. A simple hug or a loving pat on the back can work wonders.

So, are you seeing yourself or your partner avoiding simple touching, let alone kissing or having sex? Touch deprivation is one of the major signs a marriage cannot be saved, and there is definitely trouble in your paradise.
2. You have lost respect for each other

One of the signs your marriage can’t be saved is losing respect for your spouse. Anyone can make mistakes, rectify them and move on. Sometimes things are so bad they cause one to lose respect for the other partner.

Marriage is not worth the trouble once this happens.

When there is a loss of mutual respect, it can erode the very institution of marriage irreparably. Loss of respect can arise from fundamental mistakes and gestures.

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It is not difficult to work on re-establishing respect if the problem is caught early. However, when the issue is never resolved, this might signal the breaking up of your marriage.

3. You end up arguing always

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No relationship is perfect. Every relationship has points of conflict. There needs to be a mutual discussion about every such issue ideally.

If you find yourself constantly in fights or arguments with your spouse instead of trying to work things out, this could be one of the signs your marriage is over.

Related reading: ways couples can repair their relationship after an argument

4. Lack of compromise

Disagreements are part of any relationship. Having the will to meet your partner midway helps you to arrive at a compromise. When either or both are rigid in their ways, the result is a dysfunctional marriage.
5. Substance abuse is an issue

When either partner has a problem with substance abuse, it is a big stumbling block to the health of a marriage. Seeking help in the form of counseling is one way of definitively dealing with this.

If the partner involved does not wish to address this, there will be an adverse impact on the marriage.

It has been found that substance abuse has been the reason behind 34.6% of divorces. This definitely marks substance abuse as one of the top red flags in a marriage.
6. There is an affair going on

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Either or both partners indulging in infidelity is definitely among the top marriage deal-breakers. Affairs are not uncommon in marriage, and many do work around this to survive. Remorse and mending of ways play a significant role.

When either partner finds out about the other having cheated, it is not a good feeling at all. However, there are always ways to mend things if both of you want to.

Things have been known to work out with counseling and visible effort on the part of the erring partner. But if there is no effort on the part of the cheating partner, it is terrible news for the marriage.

Related reading: Is recovery after infidelity possible?

7. Finding faults is a way of life

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One sure sign of incompatibility in marriage is when you are constantly finding faults with one another. This is when you cease to see any good in your spouse at all.

If everything your spouse does causes irritation or anger in you, your marriage is definitely on the rocks.

Making a marriage work is never easy; it’s a work in progress. When such a rocky situation arises where all you see are faults, your marriage is definitely not headed in the right direction.

Counseling helps in this situation, as well as an effort to choose your words wisely. However, if you see all your efforts coming to naught, it might well be a sign of marital trouble.
8. Not your go-to anymore

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There need not necessarily be infidelity for a marriage to break up. When a marriage fails, it can be for the simple reason that you are no longer going to your spouse for anything.

Seeking out someone outside your marriage for some things is quite okay. But when this becomes the rule in all things big and small, what does it say for your marriage after all?
9. There is physical abuse

Unfortunately, a big factor behind the breaking up of marriage is physical abuse. Some partners try to hide this fact and go on. Disagreements and arguments are part of any marriage.

Unfortunately, physical abuse is a genuine reason for many troubled marriages. There is a lot of shame attached to this aspect and about coming out about it. This is a cultural conditioning that takes some will to overcome.

The question is, is marriage worth suffering this indignity? The answer is a definite NO.

10. Inability to apologize or forgive

Mistakes happen, and there are no two ways about it. Some people find it difficult to apologize for their faults. Some others find it difficult to accept apologies.

Ego coming in between a workable solution is a widespread problem in marriages. All it does is push a marital relationship to the point where there is no love in marriage. This, in turn, becomes a major reason to move apart.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>