According to an article written menshealth, there are some foods that you should eat on a regular basis to stay healthy and active in your 40s and beyond. In this article, I will educate you on these foods.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE
1. One of the foods that you should eat in your 40s and above is foods high in carotenoid and beta-carotene because these nutrients can help to protect you against cancer and other health related issues. So, you should try to eat foods that is high in beta-carotene.
2. Another food which you should eat on a regular basis is foods that are highly rich in protein such as tuna and chicken because they help to protect your muscles from shrinkage and also help to build up your muscles as you grow older. So, you should eat more protein in your daily diet and also try your best to visit your doctor for a regular medical check-up.
3. Selenium is one of the necessary nutrients that you should eat in your 40s and above because a diet that is high in selenium can help to protect you from prostate cancer and other health issues that might cause damage to your health.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE