5 Main Things that are Unforgivable in an Argument

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Relationship disagreements and conflicts can touch some sore spots but there are some things that can be harder to come back from.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

When we trust those who know us the most not to hurt us with that knowledge, it doesn’t always work that way. Conflict can be unavoidable sometimes and it is healthy to work through it. This is why it is important to know what is forbidden in order to avoid the irreversible harm your relationship could suffer due to using intimate details you know about each other to win an argument.

Below are the “off limits” when it comes to dealing with conflict in a relationship because once said, they cannot be forgotten nor forgiven. While at it, if these topics come up avoid telling the other person they are being overly sensitive, it’s not that deep, it was a joke, or “that’s not what I meant” because it’s often not what you meant but the hurt already caused.

1. Public shaming

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It is humiliating when someone airs our personal experiences on social media or in public. But when it is someone close to us it can be hard to move on from that. Sharing a close relationship means that there’s room to discuss hard topics and situations in confidence. When that confidence is broken or proved non-existent, it cannot be recovered.

2. Family members

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Bringing up issues or bad-mouthing your in-laws, exploiting family issues in an argument is very hurtful. Even when the things you will say might be true, because you have introduced them in an argument, they will be seen as spiteful. The bitter words said about family may never be forgotten.

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5 things that are unforgivable in an argument/Pexels

3. Secrets

Conflict and argument can become very heated, and there might arise the urge to use someone’s secret in order to make them give in or feel remorse. However, this will only hurt them and leave them feeling exposed and unable to share intimate details again.

4. Career

Humiliation should be avoided at all costs, especially using the other person’s career challenges, failures, choices and income. It chips away the respect and the support the other person thought they had from you. Worse still, it might stir painful insecurities that are hard to navigate long after the argument is over.

5. Past mistakes

During fights, whether intentionally or not, words can cause great harm. The key is to stay focused on the issue at hand without dragging any of the above issues in an attempt to win an argument or hurt the other person.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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