5 Things that KILLS Real Love in Your Relationship

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People don’t just wake up one day and fall out of love; it starts with minor fights until they both lose interest in each other. Have you found a partner whom you love and cherish so much? If yes, you should try your best to make the relationship work. In this article, we will walk you through some activities that can reduce the love in your relationship.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

1. Lack of Communication.

Feelings die quickly as a result of poor communication. If you’ve noticed that your boyfriend or girlfriend can’t escape a day without hearing your voice, please keep it that way. Try to keep the fire or love burning because the very day one of you starts to avoid communication and stop talking to each other, the love they have for you will begin to fall apart. Lack of communication is the fastest way to kill love. If you don’t want the love to reduce, then your yesterday’s fight mustn’t affect today’s communication.

2. Too Much Sex.

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Sex helps strengthen bonds and intimacy in a relationship, but too much of it can reduce love. In a situation where your relationship is focused on sex only, there are no career talks, future plans, or marriage talks, just sex and sex. Someday, the love will start fading, and you will get tired of each other and find them not attractive anymore. Especially for ladies, if you want your man to cherish you, avoid too much sex.

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3. Always Make Yourself Available.

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Being clingy is not good; it can reduce the love in the relationship. Making yourself available always for your partner is like telling them you have nothing going on in your life apart from the relationship. They won’t value you because you are always available. Most people don’t want to be with a clingy person, and too much of this will definitely impact your relationship negatively, thereby reducing the love.

4. Too Much Billing.

Too much billing can reduce love in a relationship. Whether you are a man or a woman, it is crucial for you to be self-reliant, and one partner shouldn’t solely depend on the other to survive. When you bill them too much, they begin to question your love. They may feel you only love them because of money or what they have to offer you, not because of who they are.

The man will be confused about whether you really love him or if you are just hungry. If you are in need of someone who will foot all your bills, you definitely do not need a relationship; rather, what you need is a job. If you bill them too much, they may lose interest.

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5. Lack of Sex.

Sex plays a vital role in relationships and marriage; thus, a lack of sex can bring up strange attitudes such as poor communication, cheating, and total disregard for your feelings by your partner, which may reduce the love in the relationship. When you deprive your partner of sex, they get frustrated and may be forced to get it elsewhere, and when you find out the truth, it’s possible for the love to decrease. Lack of sex in a relationship can reduce love, especially for men.

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6. Cheating.

People cheat in relationships for reasons best known to them, but the day your partner catches you cheating is the day they begin to lose interest in you. Even if they forgive you, it will take lots of effort to win their heart and trust back. Before you cheat on them, understand the consequences of what you are about to do. If you don’t want their love for you to decrease, think before you act.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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