5 Types Of Men Every Lady Must Avoid

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Every woman at some point in their life has desired the perfect relationship. We have all allowed the idea of that “fairytale” kind of love to occupy our minds while knowing that it doesn’t really exist.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE ....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

The reality, however, is that there are many men out there who are selling the idea of a fairytale, leading you to believe that you’ve met the man of your dreams. Dreams turn into nightmares and once everything has come to an abrupt end, the “How could I have let this happen?” speech comes into play, racking our brains over and over again…. .

What I want to let all the fabulous ladies out there know is that all of the above can be avoided. Being able to identify and also act on any red flags will ensure your time isn’t wasted. It’s better to be alone than to be with someone who isn’t making you happy at all. In time, you will attract the love that you truly deserve.

In this post, I’ll be talking about five types of men all women should avoid:

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A man who can’t communicate will definitely be your biggest burden. You’ll be stressing out for weeks at a time and pulling your hair out if you allow yourself to fall for this type of guy. As people, it is impossible to function without communication. Communication is such a basic form of human interaction. We can all do it and in many different forms. We interact with a variety of people on a daily basis (family, friends, acquaintances, etc) so why would you settle for a man who can’t communicate?

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If you have given a man your number, it is because he has expressed interest in getting to know you. It is HIS job, not yours, to decide how to take things further.If he’s not consistent in making conversation with you, chances are he is wasting your time. Also, try not to fall victim to a constant messager—the type of guy who relies on WhatsApp or texts 24/7 and doesn’t pay any mind to the fact that he can pick up the phone and call you from time to time.

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He’s either the mummy’s boy who just refuses to grow up or the free spirit who has never had to take accountability for his actions. He may also spend his time playing video games or he may always make jokes when it’s time for a serious discussion. Stay away from immature men. They don’t understand what it means to be in a serious relationship and they will eventually drag you down to their level. If you are bold and ambitious (which I’m sure we all are as women), the immature one may try to discourage you from achieving certain goals or following your dreams. He will never really understand what it feels like to be responsible. A complete and utter waste of time.

This is the kind of guy who can’t stop himself from making sexual innuendos on dates. If he’s not making remarks about getting your clothes off on the first few dates, he’s making comments about how your assets look in your outfit or he may even attempt to touch you without your consent. If you are dating with the intention of eventually committing to someone, this is not the kind of man you need to be falling for.

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This type of man has conditioned himself to believe that his humour, over confidence, and sleaziness will make him a hit with the ladies. He is, in fact, wrong. No woman should entertain a man who sees her as some sort of trophy or sex object. Always remember that you can walk away from any situation that doesn’t serve or honour you. As Lauryn Hill said, “Don’t be a hard rock when you really are a gem.”

We’ve all got to make money and that’s perfectly understandable.I’m not slandering any man who is working hard for their money; however, the distant professional is one to avoid. Fair enough, he may make a lot of money but what else is he bringing to the table? The DP is the kind of guy who may think money/gifts can substitute for absence.

A serious relationship is built on a whole lot more than material things. Imagine if he loses everything he has one day? What will be left to appreciate about your relationship? The reality is that the distant professional always puts their career first and isn’t afraid to let you know it! Our careers are important, yes, but you should never want your significant other to feel like they come second.

This type of man might just be the worst one of all. A commitment phobe can play so many games and tricks that they will have you questioning yourself! He will emotionally destroy you. It’s a matter of when, not if.

What is very distinctive about a commitment phobe is that he may show no signs of odd behaviour but the minute you start to question where things are going, he’s either avoiding the topic completely or finding a reason to remove himself from your presence. They are happy with cruising along and taking each day as it comes, and I don’t think any woman has the patience to deal with a man who is permanently unbothered about her position in his life.

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I hope that this article has been helpful.

Please remember, ladies, that you owe it to yourself to choose well. I know that it may be hard to stay single, especially at a time where everyone seems to be flaunting their love, but there are amazing men out there so don’t allow yourself to fall for a bad guy.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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