7 Regular Habits That Will Help You Sleep Better Every Night

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Getting enough high-quality sleep is incredibly important for your health and well-being. However, many people struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. The following 7 habits can help you develop a consistent sleep routine so you can sleep better every night.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

One of the most important habits for better sleep is to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This helps regulate your circadian rhythm so your body expects to sleep and wake at certain times. Try to stick within 30 minutes of your set sleep and wake times consistently. Waking up at the same time reinforces your body’s sleep-wake cycle and can help you fall asleep more easily at night.

Exposure to light before bedtime can make it more difficult to fall asleep. Light suppresses the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep. Avoid bright lights, TVs, computers, smartphones and other screens for at least 1 hour before bedtime. Use dim red lights if you need illumination. Bright light tricks the brain into thinking it’s daytime.

Dim lighting signals to your brain that it’s time for bed.

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An environment that is dark, cool, and quiet will be most conducive to sleep. Use blackout curtains or an eye mask to block out light. Set your thermostat between 60-67°F for optimal sleep temperature. Use a sound machine, ear plugs or other methods to dampen noise. These adjustments set the stage for quality slumber. Cooler temperatures help your body temperature drop at night as it should for sleep. Peace and quiet make it easier to relax.

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Having a consistent, relaxing pre-bed routine signals to your body that it is time to unwind and prepare for sleep. This may include activities like taking a bath, reading, light yoga stretches, meditation, or listening to calm music. Avoid stimulating activities. Stick to your routine every night. Doing the same sequence of tranquil activities is an effective way to establish a healthy sleep habit.

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Caffeine, alcohol, and heavy meals too close to bedtime can disrupt your sleep. Caffeine is a stimulant that can cause sleep difficulties. Alcohol may help you fall asleep faster but often leads to disrupted second-half sleep.

Big meals can cause discomfort that makes it hard to fall and stay asleep. Finish these 3-4 hours before bed. Caffeine’s effects can last up to 6 hours. Alcohol causes frequent awakenings. Don’t load up before bed.

Getting regular exercise improves sleep quality. However, vigorous workouts too close to bedtime can have the opposite effect. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily, such as brisk walking or jogging. Finish exercise at least 3 hours before bedtime. Morning and afternoon workouts are great options. Daytime exercise helps regulate hormones for better nighttime sleep. Late exercise raises cortisol and body temperature.

High stress and worry during the day can make it difficult to unwind at night. Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing, yoga, mindfulness meditation, or light music to calm your mind. Jot down worries earlier in the day and let them go at night. Keep stress in check for better rest. Getting anxieties off your chest before bed and clearing your mind of intrusive thoughts can prevent mental stimulation that disrupts sleep.

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If your partner’s snoring is disturbing your sleep, try using a snoring tracker to see which changes in your sleep habits

make a difference.

Making these 7 habits part of your daily routine can help optimize your sleep environment, mindset, and health behaviors for more restful nights. Be patient and consistent with these tips to establish habits that will improve your sleep long-term. With time, your body will adapt to these healthy sleep promoting habits.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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