Do women have body odour during their period?

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Women’s menstrual cycle are marked by hormonal changes that have an impact on different areas of her life, from her mood swings to her sleep patterns, her appetite, and even how she smells.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

Interestingly, there are more neurons in the female olfactory bulbs than in the male, which suggests that their sense of smell is more accurate. This explains why women are constantly more aware of smells than men.

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A 2019 study published in Hormones and Behavior found that women have a higher sensitivity to smells like perfumes and male pheromones around their fertility window.

On the flip side, many women tend to have a stronger body odour when they are on their period.

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During their menstrual cycle, a group of women were evaluated for armpit odour in a study at Charles University in Prague. The women who had terrible body odour were those on their monthly flow, according to the scientist Jan Havlieek.

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What’s the biological reason for this? Some people believe that your body may use body odour to indicate fertility.

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Others believe that this stronger scent, which some might find repulsive, played an evolutionary role. It served as a warning to early men that the woman was not ready for motherhood or mating.

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When a woman is on her period, she needs to take extra care of her body. By taking regular baths and using a lot of deodorant.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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