Do you post photos with your babe on social media? There’s 1 big problem

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Too much exposure of a relationship on social media can be a sign of problems, and privacy is at a premium.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

However, more and more often, instead of ending up in frames on a dresser or in photo albums, they end up on social media profiles.

According to the latest research, publishing such photos may have a deeper meaning, and not necessarily a positive one.

Sexologist, Nikki Goldstein, put forward a thesis that inspired scientists from the American Northwestern University to conduct research. Analysing the relationships of over a hundred couples, they came to quite controversial conclusions.

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The more photos, the more lies?

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Too much exposure of a relationship on social media can be a sign of problems

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Couples were asked to log their social media activities and experiences with their partner daily. Scientists followed the results and confirmed Goldstein’s thesis.

“The experiment showed that people who felt insecure in their relationship tended to share happy photos with their partner more often. To put it simply, research has shown that couples who brag about their relationship on social media are not happy together,” we read in a post on the bezuzytecznapl Instagram profile.

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The author of the entry states, “Sexologist Nikki Goldstein claims that people who often publish photos that show great feelings and a successful relationship do it to collect flattering comments and likes. And these are to confirm their belief that their relationship is not as bad as they think.”

Happiness likes silence

The post was liked by over 40,000 people, which shows that the topic really excited internet users. Opinions on this subject are very divided.

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“I would say it’s rather the opposite… People who have nothing to show don’t publish. It’s strange for me to be in a happy relationship and only post photos of myself on Facebook,” wrote one of the people. “Happiness likes silence,” added another. “Because true love is not for show,” reads another comment.

One thing is certain – too much exposure of a relationship on social media can be a sign of problems, and privacy is at a premium.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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