Eliminates insulin resistance, Reduces blood sugar levels, decreases glycated hemoglobin levels, and diabetes-related stroke

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Diabetes naturally diabetes is a chronic, incurable disease due to a lack of or failure to use the real causes of diabetes remain to this day rather poorly established, but it is known with certainty that it is associated with heredity and lifestyle habits; in this regard, obesity, pregnancy, family history, are important risk factors for diabetes. Diabetes affects many people around the world, many of whom are unaware that they have the disease. In fact, given the growing incidence of diabetes, the World Health Organization predicts that the number of people with diabetes will double by the year 2025, making diabetes the new global epidemic.....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

The growing number of cases has serious consequences for society, especially considering that 40% of people with diabetes will develop debilitating or even fatal complications. Diabetes is one of the leading causes of blindness, non-traumatic amputations, kidney failure and an important factor in cardiovascular disease and stroke

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There are two main types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. However, diabetes sometimes develops during pregnancy and in this case it is called gestational diabetes. Type 1 diabetes occurs either in childhood, adolescence or young adulthood. It is characterized by the total absence of insulin production. People with type 1 diabetes depend on daily injections of insulin to live. It is currently impossible to prevent this type of diabetes. Research is mainly focused on understanding the mechanisms that destroy the cells responsible for insulin production. Type 2 diabetes, on the other hand, occurs much later in life, usually after the age of 40.

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The vast majority of people with diabetes have this type of diabetes (90% of cases). In recent years, it has been noted that this type of diabetes appears earlier and in certain at-risk populations. It is possible to prevent this type of diabetes, in particular by improving one’s lifestyle. Indeed, the best management of type 2 diabetes, whether in the context of prevention of the disease or of the diabetic patient, is that which essentially involves natural means.

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In this type of diabetes, we speak of a decrease in the sensitivity of insulin receptors in the cells, an increase in the concentration of insulin in the blood, etc.

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