Has History Forgotten Kamala Harris Was Proxy President of the United States for 85 Minutes in 2021?

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As Kamala Harris and Tim Walz gain in polling across key states, it has been underreported that for 85 minutes on November 19, 2021 Harris was effectively the President of the United States when the extent of Joe Biden’s executive powers were officially transferred until he was released from the hospital for a routine colonoscopy.....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

The powers bestowed were all-encompassing, including in the event the U.S. was attacked by an overseas enemy. Harris maintained said decision-making powers until Biden re-assumed his position. Such considerations punctuated the importance of the transference. While today the team of Harris and Walz are omnipresent and as a prosecutor her record largely stands against extreme scrutiny, for some 2020 voters Harris became something of an invisible VP in over her head on certain pressing issues. Personally, I also questioned her visibility as a VP but as a prosecutor I found her…

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