He's Cute Right? 3 Things You MUST Know Before Dating a Funny Guy - Reportgist

He’s Cute Right? 3 Things You MUST Know Before Dating a Funny Guy

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1. We’re guaranteed to make your day better, like the Nigerian version of garri and suya. Had a crappy day at work? Get in a fight with your best friend? You know that if you call us up to hang out, we’ll get you laughing, right?>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

2. Funny guys are like garlic: bland stuff suddenly gets way better. We’ll make even boring stuff awesome. Do you have to go help your brother move out of his dorm? Bring us along. Awkward family wedding? Check and see if you get a plus-one.

3. We hate being called “funny guys.” On a personal note, I hate writing this and even self-identifying as being funny.

If people introduce us as funny or ask us to tell a joke on the spot, we’ll retreat into our (probably) metaphorical shells.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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