My Missing Sister Appeared In My Dream To Ask My Why We Had Abandoned Her In Mukuru Pit – Peris Keya

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Peris Keya Andika is the sister to Josephine Owino Mulongo, who is believed to be among the bodies retrieved from the dumpster.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

Collage of Peris Keya and people milling around the scene of the discovery.

Peris Keya (l) says her missing sister appeared to her in her dreams.

Peris told Citizen TV that the last time she was with Josephine, she received a call from an unknown individual.
What did Peris Keya dream about?

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The sibling left hurriedly, only for her to go missing, never to be heard from again.

According to the grieving sister, her sister came to her in a dream to give her a hint of where her supposed body was.

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“In that dream, Josephine asked why I was telling her story to strangers who visit our house,” she started.

Unable to answer in the dream, Peris says her annoyed sister started punishing her.
How did Peris’s dream lead them to the Mukuru bodies?

The woman says her sister disappeared after pointing to her where her body was.

Several other family members confessed that the missing woman approached them through dreams.

Josephine’s cousin Everline Wetindi added that the young lady told them she was freezing in the dumpster.

The strange dreams prompted the family to launch a search for her body, which led to several others being found.

Who helped retrieve bodies from Mukuru dumpsite?

Kyallo Jilani Wambua risked his life to help retrieve the bodies found in the dumpster at Mukuru Kwa Njenga slums.

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In an interview with, the 28-year-old disclosed that this wasn’t the first time he had pulled bodies from the pit.

He was paid KSh 5,000, but his biggest desire is to become a permanent rescuer in the Kenya Navy or Red Cross.
What you need to know about Mukuru killings:

On Friday, July 12, Kenyans woke up to the news of a horrifying discovery of human bodies in Nairobi’s Mukuru Kwa Njenga slum.
Officers from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations suspect the deceased, six of whom are women, might have been killed elsewhere.
A thorough search by police and locals yielded three more, bringing the tally to nine.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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