NBA Presidential Candidate Osigwe Pledges Inclusivity In Address To Muslim Lawyers Association

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Mazi Afam Josiah Osigwe, SAN, a candidate for the presidency of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), made a significant appearance at the monthly meeting of the Muslim Lawyers Association of Nigeria (MULAN), Ilorin branch.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

During his visit, Osigwe emphasized his commitment to fostering an inclusive NBA if elected to the top position.

Addressing the gathering, Osigwe outlined his vision for a diverse and representative NBA, where all members, regardless of their religious or ethnic backgrounds, feel valued and included. He stressed that inclusivity would be a fundamental principle of his leadership, aiming to maintain the NBA as a unified and powerful advocate for Nigeria’s legal professionals.

Osigwe highlighted the importance of his outreach to various branches and associations within the legal community, stating that such engagements are crucial for understanding the unique challenges faced by different groups. This approach, he believes, will enable him to build a more responsive and cohesive NBA that effectively addresses the needs of its entire membership.

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The presidential hopeful promised that under his leadership, the NBA would prioritize initiatives promoting unity, professional development, and human rights protection. He also emphasized his commitment to strengthening branch activities and ensuring equal opportunities for all members, as outlined in his campaign manifesto.

Osigwe’s visit to MULAN Ilorin is seen as a demonstration of his inclusive leadership style and his desire to engage directly with the NBA’s diverse membership. As his campaign progresses, these engagements are positioning him as a candidate focused on building an NBA that can effectively champion the rights and interests of all Nigerian lawyers.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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