Nigerian Army Strengthens Cooperation with Media - Reportgist

Nigerian Army Strengthens Cooperation with Media

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The Nigerian Army has reiterated the significance of responsible and accurate reporting of its operations and activities by the media.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

The Chief of Army Staff COAS Lieutenant General Taoreek Lagbaja encouraged at the second Quarter Nigerian Army Civil – Media Cooperation Media Chart held in Kano state, North West Nigeria.

The Army Boss while acknowledging the relevance of a free press, stressed the need to strike a balance between National Security interests and the public’s rights to information.

Represented by the General Officer Commanding 1 Division of the Nigerian Army, Major General Mayirenso Saraso, Lagbaja emphasised the need to avoid disseminating fake news or inflammatory content that could undermine National unity and security.

Lagbaja reiterated the commitment of the Nigerian Army in improving Media access in its operations, even as the Army Understands the need for accurate reporting which helps in building Trust between the Army and the civilian population.
“I am optimistic that the existing strategies implemented by the Nigerian Army will fortify and advance our rapport with the media. Indeed, the Nigerian Army is committed to enhancing these strategies further to deepen our collaboration and cooperation with the media for national security.”

The Army boss urged the Media to be committed partners in fighting insecurity in Nigeria along with other security outfits.
“Let us continue to synergise our Civil-Military cooperation, promoting National Security while upholding the principles of democracy, human rights and freedom of the press.”

Also, the Chief of Civil-Military Affairs, Major General Nosakhare Ugbo Identified the Nigerian Army Quarterly Civil-Military Cooperation Media Chat as a platform to synergize efforts, improve communication and foster a strong and collaborative relationship between the Nigerian Army and the media for national security.

He noted that the Army’s collaboration with the media is one of the numerous platforms used to enhance civil-military cooperation as well as civil-military relations.
“Effectively communication, transparency, and mutual respect between the media and the Nigerian Army are essential in advancing our nation’s interests and upholding the values of democracy, accountability, and collective responsibility.”

Also speaking, the Chief Executive Officer of Television Continental Communications TVC Victoria Ajayi identified effective communication and collaboration as important in shaping public perceptions thereby countering misinformation and upholding the integrity of the nation’s security apparatus.
“By synergising civil – Military Corporations, we can only strengthen our defence capabilities but also reinforce the bonds of trust that underpin our nation’s resilience.”

The theme for this year’s media chat is “Synergizing Civil-Military Cooperation for National Security: Focus on Nigerian Army- Media Relations.”>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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