See Colonel Emeka Ojukwu Declaring His Candidacy For President In 1983 On His Return From Exile

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Colonel Emeka Ojukwu declaring his candidacy for President in 1983 on his return from exile.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

Ojukwu said and I quote

“When we look at the Nigerian society, today what we see cannot be less tragic. In the two decades of our independence we have witnessed a general degradation of our quality of life.

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We seem to pride in the neglect of the people. We use power to solve the interest of a few people who happen to be close to leadership. We have tended to think that plans can be made without accurate statistics.

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We glory in mediocrity and surpass ourselves in worshipping nonentities. We prefer pallitives than cures. We have installed parasitism and made it a way of life. Everywhere and at every level there seems a riot of excesses >>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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