Speakers Of State Houses Of Assembly Assure Nigerians Of Commitment To Good Governance

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Speakers of State Houses of Assembly Nigeria have reiterated their commitment to ensuring good governance at the grassroot level across the country. The Chairman of Conference of Speakers of State Legislatures of Nigeria, Rt. Hon. Adebo Ogundoyin in his key note address at a 1-Day Reflection Session for Speakers and Clerks of State Houses of Assembly assured Nigerians of commitment of the state legislators to good governance.....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

The session was organised by Conference of Speakers of State Legislatures of Nigeria with support from Partnership to Engage, Reform and Learn (PERL), a UK, Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO) programm.

The session focused on the ongoing Reforms and Emerging Governance Issues at the States with the theme: “Legislative Reforms at the State Level: The Journey so far”.

Ogundoyin said contributions of Partnership to Engage, Reform and Learn (PERL) towards ensuring good governance at the subnational level cannot be qualified. We appreciate the efforts of PERL. We are thankful for the efforts of PERL for focusing on the subnational government, especially, the legislative arm.n

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The Team Leader of the Partnership to Engage, Reform and Learn (PERL), Engage Citizens, Dr. John Mutu said highlighted the objective of the Reflection Session,

He said session was aimed at reflecting on previous engagements, celebrate successes, and lessons learnt to inform future plans as well as provide an opportunity for participants to reflect on emerging governance issues across the country.

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The FCDO Senior Governance Adviser, Chris Okeke charged state legislators to work together with the executive arm in their various states to ensure that development is sustainable in their respective states.

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Okeke said “With some of the challenges you have seen around the country, your roles as state legislators has become more important and that underscores the reason why FCDO through our programme, PERL maintained strong relationship and partnership with you to ensure that development across Nigeria is sustainable.”

The Speaker of Sokoto State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon Tukur Bala lauded Partnership to Engage, Reform and Learn (PERL) for its efforts so far to ensuring good governance and service delivery to the people.

Bala said “We deliberated extensively on way forward on how to make local government and state legislature autonomy work and also reflected on the efforts of our partner, PERL. We are very sure and confident that this will bring the dividends of democracy to our people”.

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