These 4 common drinks can be harmful to your Health if Consume them on a hot day

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You’ve probably heard more than once that you need to drink a lot during hot weather. It is worth reaching not only for water but also for other drinks that provide essential minerals.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

However, it is also good to know what to avoid in the summer so as not to have unpleasant surprises later.

When the temperature hovers around 30 degrees Celsius, we look for every opportunity to cool down a little. Intuitively, we often reach for cold drinks. It turns out that, contrary to appearances, this is not such a good solution.

Drinking very warm tea is much more effective – then we start sweating, which helps the body cool down. However, it should be noted that this works best in dry air. Of course, you should also make sure you drink the right amount of fluids.

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Drinks you should not take in hot weather

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What other drinks are better not to drink in summer? Avoid very sweet liquids, which not only provide a lot of sugar and calories but also, instead of quenching our thirst, intensify it.

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On hot days, be careful with carbonated water. It is not unhealthy in itself, but it does make your stomach feel full. As a result, we drink less and may not provide ourselves with the appropriate amount of fluids. And in the summer it’s easy to get dehydrated. Still, non-carbonated will be a better, safer choice.

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Cold, sweet and carbonated drinks are not recommended in summer, but there are also some that you cannot drink. These are herbs that have photosensitising properties. The effects of their consumption on sunny days can be tragic – redness, hives, burns, rash or permanent discolouration.

What to avoid in summer? Here is a list of herbal teas that should be avoided in the near future. Although they are healthy and have many benefits, drinking them and spending time in the sun may result in annoying and unsightly skin lesions.

Photo-sensitising herbs:

St. John’s wort,
mountain arnica;

Please note that this is not a complete list. Therefore, before you reach for any herbs in the summer, it is worth checking whether they react with UV rays. And if in doubt, it is better to give them up than risk burns.

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Not everyone is aware that some fruits also have a photosensitising effect. Among them, some are very popular in the summer. For example, lime and to a lesser extent lemon and orange.

They are wonderfully refreshing, but be careful not to let their juice get on your skin. When this happens, you should remove it immediately. Exposure to the sun after contact may result in an allergic reaction.

We also warn against drinking alcohol in hot weather. It has a dehydrating effect, which may end badly at high temperatures. Percentages intensify the harmful effects of the sun.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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