These 7 reasons will convince you that it’s great to be single

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Being single is absolutely okay, and there’s no need to feel bad about it. We get it, especially when social media keeps promoting relationship goals and happy couples.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

It can leave you feeling left out and lonely, wishing for that emotional connection. As you scroll through your phone and see all those posts about couples and weddings, you can’t help but whisper “God when?”

It’s okay to want a partner, but have you ever thought that being single might just be a really good thing? You don’t have to give in to pressure and resort to dating apps out of desperation, only to end up hurt. Instead of seeking love from someone else, it’s time to focus on loving yourself. Don’t get me wrong, relationships are awesome but being single can be really great too.

Rather than being sad and depressed about being single, you have the opportunity to channel your energy into better things during this time. These are a few of the many reasons why being single is great and you should learn to enjoy it.

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All your time is yours

Your time is not truly yours when you’re in a relationship, but with that single status, you can be as impulsive and spontaneous as you want. How great is that?

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You’re not always obligated to be there for a partner. Your time is your own to use guilt-free. You can go anywhere without having to explain yourself to anyone. Hanging out with friends, or enjoying alone time is stress-free, no need to worry about not reaching out to someone. You’re not accountable to anyone, and that’s an advantage that comes with being single. No restrictions whatsoever. You’re free.

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You won’t need to worry about getting heartbroken

Heartbreaks are for people in actual relationships but you, my friend, are a single pringle so you can sleep well at night knowing that no one out there is cheating on you.

Flirt to your heart’s content

In serious relationships, flirting with other people is usually a no-no and is considered off-limits. Some couples might agree to it if they trust each other, but you, with no attachments, and no commitments are free to talk and flirt around with people you find interesting. You can go out with different people, and stay out as late as you want. No questions asked.

Being single means more time with your friends and family

It’s normal to see people cut off or limit their relationships with friends and family when they get into a relationship with someone they’re head over heels in love with. But that’s not something you need to worry about. You can keep up your friendships just fine. No partner is telling you to stop being friends with someone they don’t like. Have all the girl’s night out or hangouts with the boys without stressing about neglecting someone. Your relationships with friends and family can stay strong and thrive.

You can focus on your goals

This is not to say that without a partner, one cant concentrate but the level of concentration hits differently when you’re single.

Without a partner, you can put all your energy into your job goals. Take extra classes, work on exciting projects, and aim high. Being single without any distractions can speed up your journey toward achieving your career goals.

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Practice self-love

Being single gives you the chance to put all your energy into yourself. During those times when you’re alone, you start to appreciate and care for yourself more.

It becomes natural to make yourself a top priority. You don’t need validation from a partner to remind you how awesome you are, you’ll find the confidence to say that to yourself. And isn’t that the first step to empowering yourself? You can even treat yourself to solo dates and enjoy your own company. Recognising your own self-worth without anybody spelling it out for you is a huge flex.

You actually save money

Being in a relationship takes a lot from you financially. Your money isn’t completely yours, and you often have to consider your partner’s expenses too. But as a single person, all the money you earn is yours to use however you like. You can save more and even invest in your future.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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