WARNING: 4 groups of people who should not fast

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Fasting involves staying away from food and water for a particular period.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

This activity can have various physical and medical implications, and it may not be suitable for everyone.

Here are four groups of people who should generally avoid or be cautious when fasting:

1. Pregnant or breastfeeding women: Pregnant and breastfeeding women have increased nutritional requirements to support both their own health and the growth and development of their baby.

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Fasting during pregnancy or while breastfeeding can deprive the body of essential nutrients, potentially harming both the mother and the child.

It’s crucial for expectant and nursing mothers to maintain a balanced and nutrient-rich diet.

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2. Children and adolescents: Growing children and adolescents require a steady supply of nutrients for proper growth and development.

Fasting can interfere with their nutritional needs, leading to deficiencies in essential vitamins and minerals.

It’s generally not recommended for children and teenagers to engage in prolonged fasting without proper medical supervision.

3. Individuals with certain medical conditions: People with specific medical conditions should be cautious about fasting or may need to avoid it altogether. These conditions may include:

· Diabetes: Fasting can affect blood glucose levels, making it risky for individuals with diabetes. They should consult their healthcare provider before attempting any fasting regimen.

· Eating disorders: Fasting can exacerbate eating disorders like anorexia nervosa or bulimia. Individuals with a history of eating disorders should not engage in fasting without guidance from a mental health professional.

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· Heart conditions: People with heart problems or a history of heart disease may need a specialized approach to fasting, as it can affect blood pressure and cardiovascular function.

Consultation with a cardiologist is essential in such cases.

4. Elderly individuals: Older adults may have specific nutritional requirements and health concerns that make fasting potentially risky.

Malnutrition and muscle loss can be more pronounced in elderly individuals, and fasting could exacerbate these issues.

Before attempting any fasting regimen, older adults should discuss it with their healthcare provider.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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