What Is Love Bombing: Just See THIS In Relationship

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Most people like being showered with love and attention. But it becomes surreal when you are regularly and overwhelmingly given a premium treat with this kind of love. It could even be love bombing meant to manipulate your decisions and conduct.>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

For those who are entering a relationship, being treated with love and affection is delightful.

However, some people use this means to emotionally exploit their partner for selfish benefits.

Hence, spotting the signs of love bombing becomes expedient. You should be able to tell if your partner has authentic love for you or if they are trying to manipulate you to satisfy their needs.

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This piece answers important questions like “What does love bombing mean?” and other essential pieces of information centered on this theme.

What is love bombing in a relationship?

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Love bombing is an attempt to emotionally manipulate someone by showing love and affection to change their behavior and actions. It is usually used to win over an individual’s trust and willpower for selfish purposes.

Love bombing is a manipulative strategy that is hard to spot because the recipient would hardly believe that they are being used.

When love bombing is in play, the endorphins and dopamine secretions work overtime. The recipient feels special and valuable, and their self-esteem increases.

However, with time, the recipient notices that their relationship was a figment of their imagination and their partner did not love them as claimed.

It is not that manipulators achieve nothing by love-bombing; the truth is, they gain a lot and much more. Having another person to feed your ego and self-importance, having a slave that keeps claiming they’re king, is all that they need.

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To do this, they attack individuals that they can easily manipulate, showering them with loads of affection and care, only later to use them as tools to build up their own castles of ego. So, do not simply mistake excessive adoration as simply the only negative thing that occurs when you’re involved with a narcissist.

You become a slave, someone whom they can later abuse and misuse for their own happiness.

black couple playful and affectionate with each other

4 types of love bombing

It is important to evaluate the relationships you keep, both romantic and non-romantic ones, to know if you are love-bombed or not.

Here are some types of love bombings:
1. Love bombing in friendship

Love bombing can exist among friends when one party continually showers the other with compliments and affection to fulfill their wishes.

After the love bomber has had their wishes fulfilled, they will ghost off till the next time when they need something. Such friends bring nothing valuable to the table except for their selfish needs.

If you notice that you have friends like these who come and go, you are love bombed.
2. Love bombing in parenting

In parenting, love bombing can be used as a positive force. Parents can love to bomb their children at an early age, setting them on the path to becoming happier adults with a loving mindset.

Also, if parents feel that they didn’t show their children much love at the early stage, they can love to bomb them even while they are teenagers or adults!

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Love bombing is the parents’ way of bonding with their children, having missed out on the intimacy that should have happened during their early years.

Psychologist Oliver James, in his book titled ‘Love Bombing: Reset your Child’s Emotional Thermostat,’ guides parents to bond with their children if they once missed the opportunity due to many factors. It can help change their emotional
3. Love bombing in relationships (dating)

Love bombing in relationships can occur in various ways. For instance, the love bomber can decide to withhold their love and affection from their partner until their wishes are met.

The love bomber can be in love with their partner and display narcissistic attitudes towards them. The love bomber continues to milk the partner of their resources until they are left dry and quit the relationship.
4. Love bombing in marriage

Even among individuals who are married to each other, love bombing exists. The love bomber can decide to deny their partner sexual encounters till their needs are fulfilled.

In a love-bombing marriage, a person can also exploit this path to keep getting things from their partners while claiming to love them>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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