When Is The Best Time Couples Can Have Sex To Achieve Pregnancy?

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Infertility in men and women is one of the challenges some couples are facing after many years of marriage. Some couples are both fertile, but they need to study the perfect timing to be able to achieve pregnancy.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

When is the perfect day for couples to copulate? Is ovulation day the best day for couples to copulate to achieve pregnancy? Some women will tell their husbands to start coming home immediately if it’s their ovulation day.

Some men are always watching the calendar so that they don’t miss any opportunities. First of all, according to Healthline, the stress or anxiety involved in copulation is not going to help matters.

Couples should ensure that they are both in a stress-free frame of mind. The sperm deposited by men live for three days before they die, and the egg that a woman releases lives for 24 hours before it disintegrates.

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This means that within the 24 hours that the egg is released, somehow it must meet with the sperm.

For that to happen, the best suggestion is that a day or two before the egg is released, the sperm should have been deposited ahead and be waiting in the fallopian tube for the egg.

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As the egg is dropping, they are catching it. Therefore, five to six days around the ovulation period is the best time for regular copulation.

The chances of achieving effective fertilization can be increased every day by doing one in the morning and another one in the evening.

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The ovulation period differs among women, and it’s not always at the same time depending on your mood. Your mood can affect your psychological health, but generally speaking, the average should be around day 14.

If day one is the first day you see blood, count that day as day one. Around day 14, plus or minus two days, a woman will likely ovulate, except in a few cases when ovulation takes place like during menstruation.

So if you start trying from day 12 till day 16, you are likely going to catch it if you are targeting that.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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