Which Part Of A Woman’s Body Do Men Find Most Attractive (And Vice Versa)?

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A study conducted by online pharmacy Dr. Felix has revealed what men and women find most attractive about each other.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

The study surveyed Americans ranging from 18-65 years of age, and asked the following:

“Have you ever wondered what makes you attractive to the opposite sex? While personality is obviously a huge factor, our survey looked at the top physical features that make us sexy. These physical preferences can change over age, location and even salary, so you can really see where your own body and your own preferences fit in.”
Here’s a look at what they determined men find to be the most attractive features in women, and vice versa.

(Note: The researchers focused only on heterosexual attraction, so it would also be interesting to see what same-sex couples find attractive in each other.)

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Nearly half of the male respondents (46 percent) voted for the face as the most attractive feature of a female.

which part of female body attracts maleAll photos courtesy of Dr. Felix

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This was followed by the butt (18 percent), hair (11 percent) and legs (9 percent).

Surprisingly, boobs only ranked at number five (8 percent), so ladies, if you’re wondering how to get a guy to like you, you might want to skip that boob job and go get your hair done.

Unlike the men, women do indeed find the chest to be the body part that makes a most attractive, with 24 percent selecting a man’s pecs as their top choice.

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which part of male body attracts female

This was followed by hair, at 22 percent. It’s worth noting that as women get older, hair apparently becomes more important to them and is even more of a turn-on since men with a full head of hair become harder to find as they get older as well. Sorry, guys. Mother Nature sucks.

The third most attractive body part on men for women was the arms (19 percent), followed by the butt (13 percent), and the V-cut — i.e., the lower abdomen, which is the hardest part for most men to keep in shape (9 percent). My own favorite part of a man, his eyes, came in at a mere 3 percent and only a meager 2 percent of women dig a guy’s face the most.

Bonus: hot tip for guys … Now you know that even if you have a not-so-great face, if you have a nice chest, good hair, muscular arms, a nice behind, and a hot V-cut, you will get laid.

It was also interesting to learn that women who earn a higher income prefer a man’s abs and chest, while those with a lower income prefer the arms, presumably to go with those cut-off T-shirts and trucker hats.

As for the guys, men at both the low and high ends of the income scale are all about the face.

attractive features by income scale

Whereas, “the average working-class” men preferred the behind.

In reviewing the breakdown by geography, once again, the face has the men whipped.

attractive female features by geography

“Standing bravely alone,” they also noted, “Vermont is the only state with a male preference for boobs above all else — we may never know why…”

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And when broken down geographically for the women, those in California and Washington are fans of a nice chest, while ladies in Florida keep hoping to find a man with some hair.

attractive male features by geography

And the women in just one lonely state, Louisiana, find a man’s legs to be the pinnacle of hotness, Y’all.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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