Qing Madi:”I know that Wizkid is a famous musician. A few weeks ago, I met him and was surprised by how down-to-earth he was. He acted like a regular person, not a superstar. He was very calm and humble, telling jokes and trying to make my sister and me laugh.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE
When I arrived, he called me a superstar, and I joked, “Are you talking about me or introducing yourself?” He was so humble and kind that I almost forgot he was the famous Wizkid!”
I got to spend some time with him and had a mini interview. He gave me advice that has really helped me in my career.”
11 year-old innocent Vîrgín singer , Qing Madi , explains how wizkid is humble and down-to-earth>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE