Valid 3 Reasons people die in their sleep, please do not ignore

Here are a few of the causes of sleep-related deaths.<<<READ FULL ARTICLE>>>

(1) Sudden cardiac death

Researchers have discovered that when the sinoatrial node, your body’s natural peacemaker, is damaged, abrupt cardiac arrest can occur.

In other words, the problem happens when the heart’s electrical circuitry goes wrong and might be fatal within the first two minutes.

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Why does it cause death, exactly? Basically, it causes the brain’s blood flow to decrease. Cardiac arrest happens 50% of the time without warning in addition to happening when you’re sleeping.

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2. Poisoning by carbon monoxide

Carbon monoxide, sometimes known as CO, is an odorless, colorless gas that, if consumed in large enough doses, can be fatal.

The exhaust fumes from gas ranges, gas stoves, furnaces, fireplaces, and other appliances can include CO.

Why does it cause death, exactly? In essence, breathing it in can become dangerous if a modest concentration of it collects in a short space. The victim may experience symptoms like weakness, dizziness, and headaches. If you lose yourself when you’re sleeping, it might be fatal.

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3. Apnea

Breathing repeatedly stops and starts when a person is asleep if they have central sleep apnea. It occurs when the brain improperly transmits the signal to the breathing muscles while you are asleep, and it is generally accepted that the brain stem is to fault.

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What results in death? When you have apnea, your oxygen level drops below the level necessary for living. Consequently, there is a deficiency of oxygen, which results in hypoxia.

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