4 Unbelievable Things Women Do Secretly In Bathroom That You Dont Know

1. Swirling your hairs around on the shower tiles to make lovely/gross patterns.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>
2. Dripping period blood on the floor after a bath or shower.
3. Reading the ingredients on the toilet bleach if you forget your phone when you go for a poo.
4. Looking in a magnifying mirror and being horrified/fascinated by the size of your pores, bushiness of your eyebrows, and lil’ ‘tache hairs you didn’t know you had.
5. Pulling insane gymnastic shapes in the shower while trying to shave your legs.
6. Doing a naked, dripping-wet run out of the bath or shower when you realise you’ve left your razor on the side.
7. Farting in the bath.
8. Getting shampoo in your eyes and thinking, “This is how I die”.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>

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