3 Things Every Women Should Do After Intercourse To Keep Their Vagina Healthy

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It is extremely crucial to take good care of your vulva and ladyparts, but particularly so if you’re erotic active. When you are erotic active, the lubricants that your lady part produces and the semen of your partner can change the female organ pH balance.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE ....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

This altering of female organ pH can make it more prone or vulnerable to fungal infections and UTIs”s. Therefore, there are certain things you should do after lovemaking to keep your lady part in good health. However, here are 3 things you should do after intercourse To Keep your lady part healthy.
1. Wash up after intercourse

This washes away bacteria from your hands, mouth, and rectum. Washing up conserves you from contracting yeast or bacterial infection down there. Washing with lukewarm water alone or with a gentle, non-scented soap can comfort in proper cleaning. But if you have very susceptible skin that is prone to skin allergies or disease, then avoid using soap as it may exacerbate female part swelling or irritation from a romp.
2. Drink loads of water

The best thing to have right after copulation is water. Try drinking at least 2-3 glasses of water, it enables you to urinate which flushes out the UTI-causing bacteria and hydrates you. In general, also, you should have 7-8 glasses of water every day to keep yourself hydrated and healthy. When you are dehydrated, the chances of catching UTI’sincreases.

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Probiotics keep the lady part healthy

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It is always good to have probiotics after erotic intercourse to keep good female part health. Probiotics assistance maintain good bacteria in your lady part. Health experts also recommend increased use of probiotics as it effective in keeping you safe from infections like Bacterial Vaginosis. It is one of the most bacterial infections of the lady part. Hence, building immunity against it is essential.

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Every woman should look forward to the tips of this article.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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