‘I prefer being friends with men than women’ — Here’s what’s wrong with this

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It’s a day to celebrate the positive aspects of female friendships.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE....CONTINUE READING THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE

Yet, many women express a preference for befriending men over other women, due to the belief that women tend to be problematic and dramatic.

Here’s why that’s a wrong mindset:

Women were socialised to believe they need to compete with other women, especially for male attention

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It was award-winning author and feminist, Chimamanda Adichie, who said, “We raise girls to see each other as competitors, not for jobs or accomplishments, which I think can be a good thing, but for the attention of men.” Women compete with themselves so they can get the approval and attention of men because it makes them feel more beautiful and special than others.

This statement means women define their worth based on how men see them

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When women only want to be friends with men, they attach so much worth and esteem to how they treat them. If they have male friends around them, they feel loved, but if they have female friends around, they feel threatened. This just perpetuates harmful patriarchal views.

Women might say they want to be friends with men because they want gifts and money

Most women say this because their male friends give them money and other things they ask for. The statement can often be rooted in greed and entitlement. They want a friendship where one party constantly supports them financially and emotionally while they do nothing in return.

Women are capable of forming deeper bonds because of shared experiences

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When two or more women truly love and care for each other, it’s the most beautiful thing. No one comprehends the essence of womanhood better than a fellow woman. When you cultivate a bond of sisterhood, it becomes something far more profound than any connection with a man.

Most men see women even their friends as a sexual beings

The fact is, most men would take the opportunity to have sex with you if it presented itself, especially if you are an attractive woman.

More importantly, when your male friends enter into relationships and marriages, you do not want to compete with their partners for their affection, and their partners might even be uncomfortable with the friendship between the two of you. Always maintain healthy boundaries with men, and one way to do this is by having close female friends.

The truth, however, is that female friendships aren’t easy; sometimes envy, jealousy, anger, and bad communication can get in the way. Women must be caring and considerate of each other to have a great friendships.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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